Sunday, June 7, 2009

A list, a list, my kingdom for a list

Okay sorry I haven't written any blogs lately, but I have plenty of ideas bouncing around in my head... I just haven't perfected them yet. So to abate my need to post something, I'll do something easy and interesting :)

"Your dreams won't wait, you have to always strive to catch up with them."

1. Learn to ride a horse

2. Learn to use a longbow

3. Learn to fire a gun and play Skeet

4. Fire arrows while on a horse

5. Learn to play Piano (the most beautiful sounding instrument) (and then I could sing and play at the same time, like the song Starlit Nights :) )

6. Learn to play Violin (and use it in rock/alternative music)

7. Sing for an audience

8. Find my calling (and make a living out of it)

9. Travel to every continent

10. Skydive or Bungee Jump!

11. Get a puppy and kitten at the same time (One of the will be named Zokki)

12. Try my hand at acting/dancing something (just for fun!)

13. Change the world (make it a better place somehow!)

14. Fall in love (After I finish college hopefully!)

15. Start a family and be a loving father (many years from now)

Can't think of any more right now... Meh, maybe more later. Anyone got any suggestions of things we should do? Leave a comment!

Until next time, Zàijiàn!

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