Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mentally exhausted...

Man, it sucks when that old, familiar feeling overtakes me again. It's like a wave of sorrow washes through my mind, drowning out all the happiness that may have been there. I can never define it or understand it, but it's the most familiar feeling in the world. All of I sudden I don't feel like talking; I stare into nothingness, shoulders slumped in pitiful contempt for the world. Along with this depression comes frustration, knowing I can not control the feeling and that it will eventually take over my mind and tear me down. I can no longer see the good side of anything, the pessimistic in me is released once again. Friends, family, loved ones? Who needs them? Who needs this life? These dreadful thoughts surge into my mind, digging me deeper into a world of hate and despair. It builds up within me, I despise people, I despise the world, I despise myself. The frustration builds up I as argue with myself: I have a good life, good friends, good future, what more do I need? Why do I feel this way, I know I am stronger than this... But am I really? Doubt starts to boil up in my mind and heart. Am I lying to myself? Who am I to say I have the good life; you're being deceived, you're in denial. Struggling, kicking, screaming, all the while as silent as a mouse. They ask me if I'm okay... of course will I lie, but nothing is all right. Who am I do drag them under with me? This is my fight, they don't deserve this. But, I am just making things worse for myself, struggling alone in the quicksand. I turn away from those outstretched, life-giving hands, favoring my pride. So I lie; I lie to them, I lie to the world, I lie to myself. Everything will be just fine. But, will it? There is a monster in my brain, gnawing at the bars in the cage labeled 'Insanity' and it wants out. It wants to turn my mind upside down, destroy my sanity and extinguish my will to live. Yet...somehow, I always make it through. Usually it passes, leaving me a little more weaker than I was before, my fortitude slowly whittles down. Rarely, I let someone else inside to help. This never happens often, I've grown so detached from trust and companionship. Too many fakes, lies, deceit. But every once in a while there is someone who truly cares, even if it is only for that one instant. They will forget later, but in that moment, someone to trust, someone to hold on to. A buoy in the storm. It helps. I get over it somehow.

All these torments I thought I had left behind me, I'd been free for a long time. I've been... happy. Imagine my surprise and confusion when it came back, like the diabolical villain in a predictable sequel. The frustration starts again, I thought I had gotten past this. It still makes as little sense as it ever has. Trust is lost, I love my friends, but I can't think straight. I feel alone and I don't know why! Cursing, roaring, thrashing in agony at this unseen foe... irritable, angry, violent. The old hate starts to emerge as the old me pops his head out to say with a devilish grin: "Hello, missed me? I'm baaaaaack." I don't want to be this, I'm better than that. I've changed, I've grown, I've conquered my past. It then hits me... like a kickball to the head... a dodgeball to the chin...or a tennis ball to the groin. It's a test, I know how to get through this. It's like battling the boss of video game a second time, only you know it's tricks and though it may seem bigger and badder, you know exactly how to defeat it. I knew how to get through it. Just another bump in the road, albeit a big motherf*cking bump. I have to take it slow, my frustrations will dissipate and I will get through this. I will survive. Possunt quia posse videntur.

Until next time, Valete!


  1. "Possunt quia posse videntur"...and I know you can because even though I haven't known you that long, I already see your passion for personal betterment and self growth. It's one thing to realize your flaws and inner demons but it's another to actively strive for change. Like you said, you have dealt with this before and it always passes. It may leave you mentally exhausted but you strengthen your resolve each time, making it harder and harder for it to creep up on you again. Even though you put it on yourself to deal with this, know that there are people cheering you on, willing to help when you need it. I'm just glad you still fight...otherwise imma hafta find another smart alec, trash talking, wise ass, coolbeans friend to dog on...haha

  2. YO! keep your head high... know that you have people here for you... i really just want to see you succeed and grow. I have already gotten to know you the past year.. and i have seen you grow... you're a great person and you're not gonna stay a "BARE TREE"

    here's what i blogged on a different site.. it's one of my own personal sites that i usually like to vent to. but i felt our blogs were similar when i read yours...

    You don't really realize what you have til you don't have it anymore...

    You can't force someone to love you; all you can do is become someone who can be loved; the rest is up the them.

    Hey! Just updating the XANGA. Anyway, Idk, i guess I'm in a downer mood. Stress, personal problems, family issues... all of's becoming overwhelming. It's too much to handle sometimes. I try to put on the biggest smile... the happiest face... but that's all I can do. You know, I always put others first... no matter what. I try to inspire, mentor, educate, and just make others happy.. and that's just how i am. And it sucks sometimes, because as good of a person I am and how selfless I can be, I seem to get hurt.. or disrespected. It's killing me inside... it sucks that I have sooo many awesome friends and memories, but there's always those bad incidents that seem to kill me... it's like a cut that won't stop bleeding...

    It's like I'm drowning... drowning in my past issues and situations that recently I have been reminded of... and now I have all this new stress and ish that I just wanna explode... IDK, I guess I am just venting.. but really, I must say that I am not me right now. Lots of things are making me hurt.. and it's giving me a bad vibe.. I really just... idk. . . wanna ... idk. *sigh* ... as usual, though, i'm just gonna let it sit. and being the way i am, i'll bury all of this deep within my soul... keeping it dormant before it resurfaces.

    There he lies...
    upon the white sands of the seashore...
    his head face down...
    his body immobile...
    The sun gets quickly hidden...
    by black clouds of darkness...
    the birds end their chirping...
    the wind end its blowing...
    and the pounding waves slowly ceases...
    ceases like his dying heart...
    i hover over him...
    as he struggles for his life...
    someone must save him...
    someone must help him...
    someone must protect him...
    but there's no one...
    no can save him...
    no one can help him...
    no one can protect him...
    i move in closer...
    as he lays inattentive...
    i turn him over...
    and shock to my eyes...
    he who lies... is me...
    i am struggling...
    i am in pain...
    i am...dying
    I AM DYING...
    i lie on the seashore...
    i hover over myself...
    it is I who I stare at...
    struggling... heart burning...
    heart hurting...
    my life... dying...
    dying as i stare...
    stare in shock...
    at me... left to die...
    on the seashore...
    but why?
    why am i laying here?
    why am I struggling?
    why am I...dying?
    these questions are left unanswered
    as i just hover... and STAre....
    my eyes begin to tear...
    as i slowly kneel next to my dying self...
    i caress my face...
    i listen to my dying heart...
    and i give up...
    i lay next to myself...
    and slowly... i struggle...
    slowly...i endure pain...
    and slowly... i die...
    lying on that seashore

  3. intense O.O

    you're a very talented writer jason

    i'll save the deep emotion lurking talk for chat and word of the day vocab msgs

  4. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and support, it really does mean a lot to see that. It's nice to know there's people who have my back and I know I will always have yours :)

    Haha and Carl, it's good to have a friend whose as "smart alec, trash talking, wise ass, coolbeans" as me to exchange fire and witty remarks with. Hahaha, don't think I'm gonna let my problems interfere with my tennis abilities, once I step on court, all my problems are left outside. Watch your back! Hahaha...

    That's a really nice poem(?) David, did you write it? I can relate to your blog in a way, and it's very enlightening to know you can feel that way as well; you're like superman sometimes! And plus, I hate it when people don't show respect, I feel that there's a lot of people who need to learn respect before life teaches them the hard way... but then again that's the best way to learn

    Thanks for the compliment Nikki, but I'm not very talented, I was just inspired at the time... Haha and keep mum about all that other stuff, Carl will get jealous hahaha =P
