Sunday, June 14, 2009

When I look at the stars... I feel like myself

Chose two songs, by the same artist which inspired me to write something tonight: Switchfoot's 'Stars' and 'We Are One Tonight.' Okay, couldn't embed the videos so here's the links: (sorry!)
- Stars
- We Are One Tonight

The two songs are kinda similar and have a somewhat night theme. Remember sitting outside, laying in the grass, or on top of your parents' car just staring up at the sky? When was the last time you've done that? I greatly urge you to do so now if you're reading this at night. Yes, right now. I can wait, I've got all the time in the world and I'll be waiting here when you return. It's an amazing thing to stare up into the night sky, especially with no city lights, no house lights to detract from the stars. As a kid, staring at the stars gave me a sense of wonder that I never understood, nor could I fully grasp. All I knew was it brought me to peace, I felt as ease with the cool wind blowing at my hair and the chilling metal (or soft and itchy grass) below my body. This is also why I love taking ride in the night, staring up in the night sky is awesome, especially in the back of a moving pick up truck. What is it about the infinite reaches of space that quells my soul and keeps me silent? Maybe it just makes you feel small, like nothing else at the moment matters. You are in possession of that great mysterious wonder, gripped by its vast and endless silence. Nothing really matters at this point, the world is at peace for this timeless instant. At the same time as cleansing the spirit, it reminds you that, like that stars, there are endless people on this earth who share all this with you. Whether they be of different age and time, or different class and standing, of different race and culture... you all share the same fate in this life. There are commonalities in the important things: people live, people love, people die. Staring up at the sky, I feel as one with the world. Like in the classic of 'An American Tail,' somewhere out there... well you get the picture. As we all strive to live in this unforgiving world, we forget that we're all out of the same mold, all of us. There are those who have strayed the path; heck, we all follow our own paths, like branching twines of fate, but many of our paths our parallel and intertwine throughout our lives. Remember everyone you encounter, never forget your experiences, love without limit, because as we continue to walk down the one-way street of life, you can only look back and move forward. Never take anything, materialistic or otherwise, for granted. Never turn a blind eye to a fellow being, as we are all one, we are all struggling. It is true what they say, so keep a smile on your face and kind words at your breath. You never know when you'll be wishing for someone, anyone, to come along with one of those blessings. Sorry if this is really disordered, blogging is a learning experience :)

Until next time, Farewell!

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