Friday, July 8, 2011

Who am I?

Probably the most debatable question in my head at the moment. I once read something that said: "I haven't figured me out yet. I don't let others close for fear that they'll
figure me out first and hold that above me." Perhaps this is a little true for everyone. Is it possible to answer this questions completely and be satisfied with the answer. I believe not. As we grow up, we change. We don't internalize that change and make note of it until it is too late. By the time we are wise enough to think about our thinking, we've already lost a good chunk of our lives. Granted, there are those who are young and wise, but lack experience to understand the changes taking place in their lives. They say that when you grow older, you can only then truly enjoy all the small things in life, because you only take them for granted when you have time on your side and your whole life ahead of you. But, what happens when your whole life is already behind you? You can't go back and do everything you wish you did. That's the dilemma. Now, you may say I'm too young to be thinking about this; I should go out there and do what I want to do, but hear me out. My concern is that I don't really know who I am. In a society dictated by the elite and powerful, we define ourselves by those we see as desirable. It makes me sick to know so many people would rather be like their 'idols' than just be themselves. Who ever said there was anything wrong with that. What makes the 'desirables' so desirable? I don't see any difference besides the hype. We're all just people. People trying to live, trying to make it, trying to live, trying to be happy. We all the same, but we're oh so different. Humans borne of our unique experiences, that can never be replicated from person to person, ever. Our uniqueness is right there, but too many insist on following someone else.

They say that the only constant thing in this world is change. But I think at the core, we never really change. We just cover ourselves up in so many layers that aren't ourselves, that we eventually forget who we really are, and sometimes we never really will figure that out.

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