Thursday, December 10, 2009

Unsent Regret

Dear You,

I miss talking to you. I feel like that’s one of the biggest regrets in my life— screwing things up and growing distant. You were my best friend, hands-down. I could tell you anything and everything. Like for real, we talked about everything. We’d talk until the wee hours of morning. You never made fun of me for being different. You liked how weird I was, because you were too. We just fit. You were always interested in what I had to say. Like that quote from a movie about how most people are just waiting for their turn to speak instead of listening and putting meaning to the words. I actually enjoyed what we talked about, and I wasn’t afraid to be myself. I could be creative, imaginative, random. I could spill any emotion to you, and you’d understand. I don’t have that anymore and I feel bottled up, like I’m going to explode. Now, it seems we can never get that back. Whenver we talk, I struggle to find something to talk about other than how school or life is doing. It’s extremely sad. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to trust anyone like that again. I always ask myself why I let that go. Why did I screw that up. I would trade anything for that again. I was so naive, so young and stupid. I really miss talking to you.

Sincerely, Me.

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