Thursday, May 28, 2009

Zokki 2.0! (My new laptop's name! Haha...)

Yay, new laptop! But I'll start this exciting day from the start, because it was full of adventure for once and I haven't had such an engaging day for a while. So sorry, no intriguing life lessons or musings today, but I'm working on a good one! Woke up at 7 after 5 hours of sleep, which is not too bad, I guess, especially since I still feel wide awake! Met Kim at Campbell at 8 (she wore the same thing as me!), talked to Ramiscal's class, apparently I'm the studious one and she's the party one? Haha, Kim deserves more credit than that... Had to leave early (sorry Kim!) but had a REAL, albeit short, talk with one of my teachers, which was nice. While driving I almost got into TWO accidents! The first time wasn't my fault, the crazy driver tried to make a left turn while I was going through the intersection, that idiot. The second time was my fault though as I didn't see some guy while I was leaving Ala Moana, so sorry random driver guy. Hung out with the "Codester" and "Mi Hell" ahaha. Had plenty fun, too bad more people didn't come =/ But there's always a next time! I finally got my new laptop, incliding a free iPod touch for my mom and a free printer for my family! Whooo... So excited to have this thing. I'll take care of it as if it were my unborn child hahaha. iChat or ooVoo anyone? We spent a lot of time in Old Navy, so cheap their clothes! Saw a cute girl there ;) Haha, just kidding... well not really, but Kim and Ms. Tanaka tell me I can't have a girlfriend, she has to be subjeced through a rigorous inspection by Ms. Tanaka first! Hahahaha, I'm sorry, inside jokes. But today was a fun day, can't wait to do more stuff like this the rest of the summer. Hit me up, I'd rather hang out than sit here doing nothing! Mmmk this blog is too long already, I'm sure you have better things to do!

Until next time, Sayonara!

Monday, May 25, 2009

"If Today Was Your Last Day"

Uggggh, so sporadic my thoughts

Trying to write a blog hurts my head... Maybe I need some music to get my thoughts flowing. Did nothing all weekend, my friends canceled all three days... Played Twilight Princess, one of my favorite video games ever, next to Ocarina of Time. Anyway, I'm currently undergoing changes to my life: both mentally and physically. For one, this song I heard last night by Nickelback, "If Today Was Your Last Day." You always hear things like, "Never miss a chance to tell the one's you love how you feel..." and "It's never too late," or "Take the first step," but it never hit home until I saw the music video and heard the song. It's message reminds me that I can not take anything at all for granted. Sure, I'll never be as optimistic and cheerful as I want to be, but by being pessimistic and blocking out the world, you also block out oportunities to achieve more and make something better. I lived my whole life alone and afraid, and it took me 18 years to realize that there's more to life than I could ever had known. So I started a change, I take care of myself better so that in turn, I can take care of the things around me. I no longer am the pessimist; for so long I've wondered how to be optimistic and why I couldn't do it. I just had to stop doubting myself. The world sucks, that is a fact of life. But if you let it suck, you'll never really live. I've come to realize that once your find that light within yourself, it'll be hard to ever lose it. Everyone feels alone from time to time-- we may come to learn that life isn't like movies and television: people who you think got your back may not always be there for you. Before you can rely on others, you gotta be able to accept the fact that everyone has their own shit it deal with as well. No matter how well they hide it, everyone's got their own burden. But at the same time, if everyone didn't act so tough, we'd all be able to see how much in common we all have. If people weren't so reluctant to share their problems, we'd all be able to help each other and live in a more perfect harmony. Man, I'm just ranting and rambling. It feels good to get it off my chest though I guess. Maybe later, I'll be able to write a more organized blog that will make more sense than this one. Pardon the mess folks...

Until next time, Ciao!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Blog?

Okay so I guess a blog is something that I can try to keep posted on during the summer. I got the idea from David... It may even help me keep my sanity until I get back to Pullman, haha. Not much going down right now. Boring boring boring night. I found out I was half German? Apparently I never asked my dad, and my brother and his friends tried doing it today... I also found out that my mom totally support me going to Kauai, so maybe a visit this summer is not too far away? Well, I have no clue what blogs encompass so I have nothing more to write for now...

Until next time, Auf wiedersehen!