Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hold my hand, I never knew Hell could be this cold. The trek on this hellish journey is tiring. Illusions fill my head and I suffocate on emotions. There has to be something better. I don't want to go it alone, but there's no one to turn to. My bi-polar tendencies, mixed with my distrustful nature is a lethal combination. Hold my hand, my will is fading. You're not here, but you keep me alive. You make me happy. I miss you. I miss being happy-- oh how long for the times when I wasn't so burdened with all these troubles. I'm so indecisive. I feel like one more burden, that final straw, will break me down. I can't do this. Hold my hand, I think I'm dying. The light at the end of the tunnel is fading, like the flickering fluorescent lights in some long-abandoned building. I can feel the life draining from me, like sand in an hourglass. Hold my hand, you're all I have now. There are shouts from the outside, wondering if I'm all right. They couldn't care less. It's all a formality. I deflect and lie. It's so easy. They don't knock down the walls. You do. Hold my hand, tell me it'll all be alright. Please. Save me.

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