Monday, September 14, 2009

Funny Stuff

Decided to try my hand at one of these kind of list things.... most of them are my own, but the ones in quotations are funny ones I've found online...

This is the original link that inspired my post:

-Don't you hate it when you're walking and you come across a intersection without a crosslight and a driver is waiting to turn? Even if it's your right-of-way, sometimes it's really awkward, especially if the driver's been there for a while....

- I feel like I'm cheating whenever a Christmas song comes on shuffle, so I change the song, no matter how much I want to listen to it...

- I truly miss the happiness and joy Christmas used to bring me. It seems like yesterday that I hung those little paper links by my bed to count down the days 'til Christmas.

- Looking back, I wonder what made me think Xx's and Xo's and random numbers were cool to include in my screen names and emails...

- I hate it when you're doing one of those long survey notes and at the end you have to tag people... I never know who would feel left out if I didn't tag them or who would be annoyed if I did...

- If I had to leave home without a cellphone, or with a dead battery, I'd probably feel naked and uncomfortable.

- I always feel a little sad when the ending credits of a movie doesn't have a blooper reel.

- I also feel very sad at the end of some movies that should have been longer...

- I hate when I'm walking (home) at night and I have multiple shadows surrounding me. It never fails to jump-start my paranoia as I feel like the shadows behind me is someone following me.

-Even though my glasses seem to fit me perfectly, they somehow find a way to slip ever so slowly down my nose. I'm self conscious about the way I push them up, so I always try to find a way to make it look cooler...

- Don't you hate the 'Awkard-Dance?' You know when you're walking and someone going in the opposite direction gets in your path? You both move left and then the right, you keep doing this and it could go on for the longest time...

- It might be just me, but when I take showers on a (cold) morning, my fingers and toes feel like they're burning when the warm/hot water touches them.

- "Kanye, how could you be so heartless?"

- I kinda don't like singing happy birthday with a room full of people. Everyone sings it so monotone, so when I try to sing it nice, I get thrown off and sound so out of place...

- Sometimes when I'm watching TV and someone is about to do something extremely embarrassing, I close my eyes or change the channel. It's like I'm embarrassed for them or I'm imagining myself in their shoes. This is especially true if I've seen the show before...

- Wouldn't it be awesome is someone found a way to make miniature animals? I'd totally rock to own an alligator or penguin the size of a hamster...

- I always find myself wishing textbooks had a 'Search' function.

- I wonder how many cars/cash-prizes I've won on soda bottle lids, but was too lazy to enter the prize code online for?

-No matter how old you are, you can never resist the temptation to pop bubble wrap

-Don't you hate it when you have something really good/interesting/relevating to say during a conversation or class discussion, but when you find a change to talk, the topic has changed? Should you just keep the thought to yourself or awkwardly bring up the old topic?

- What I hate even more is when AFTER I talk to a girl (that I may like), I think of something funny or witty that I should have said earlier. It feels like you'll never get the chance to say it again, or else you'd seem weird/awkward/desperate to randomly bring it up again...

-I hate how sad I get when I see that someone is typing something on an instant messenger, but never sends it. It depresses me even more that I'm so desperate for a message that may not even be more than a word long.

-Shouldn't we get some kind of discount for using the self-checkout at the store?

-Is there a use for the eject button on a DVD remote? Unless your DVD player can toss you the DVD, you have to get up anyway...

-"I don't write on your facebook wall so you can comment on it. I write on your wall so you will write back on mine and make me seem more popular. Work with me here."
(Just kidding, I thought this one was funny though...)

- " Finding a typo in a book makes me feel like a champion. How is it that I see that and the author and editors did not? I win."

-"Oh wrinkled, clean laundry on the floor, I would sooner throw you in for another wash and dry than attempt to iron you."

-"Despite the fact that there are no assigned seats in college, I get really pissed when I walk into class and someone is sitting in the seat I have occupied for the majority of a semester."

-"On one of the PowerPoints slides I was showing today to the 7th graders there was a picture of the statue of liberty. One of the boys yelled out "Man, I've been inside of her!" I couldn't help but laugh."

-" I like being a Mac user until I see those smug ass commercials. "

-" There is no casual way to figure out whether or not your fly is down. "

Until next time, TTFN!

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