Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Analogy

One night I was thinking about everything again and I came up with a personal epiphany. It's not meant to apply to everyone, but I thought it was interesting myself. Sometimes life and love are hard to understand, but when you look at a problem from a different way, you get a new perspective on it. As I lay in bed, I began to compare life to sailing a ship. It's not easy to sail a ship. You have to learn about your ship before you can before you can master sailing, just as you must know yourself before you can master life. At the same time you are learning about your ship, you're already sailing it into great unknowns, because after all, none of our ships come with maps, let alone instruction manuals. Now, I wont get into Society too much, but as I understand, our society has much emphasis on love, as seen in media, particularly movies. We all believe there's someone out there perfect for us, deserving of our love. But, we always try to make the first person that catches our eye that soulmate. We just throw ourselves into the water and climb aboard someone else's boat, casting away your own hopes, dreams and desires. Because, hey, who needs to be an individual when you can be loved, right? But that's not how it works. Two people aren't meant to share the same boat, the same self. One must first know oneself before one can be with another. A relationship isn't two people living in the same body, as many tend to believe, but two people who enjoy the others company. Who share some kind of bond, while still remaining separate. Sure, you may share goals, dreams, or aspirations together, but you can't forget that you, yourself, has personal ones as well. When both parties understand this, and still wish to be together, then there you will find a lasting relationship. Because love isn't about raiding a ship, and then sharing it with another being. It's about finding that perfect someone who understands you, and wont stand in the way of your goals; and you, theirs. It's a mutual bond that compromises and never contests It takes a foundation of trust; trusting that they wont steer their ship into yours, or sail off when you sleep, to pursue their own treasure or some other fancier ship. Love is two ships sailing together toward the sunset, not knowing where they are going, but enjoying the journey they share together. And that's my personal definition of life, outside of the box.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Biggest Fear

Sometimes I wonder if I've just become a shadow of my former self. I'm avoiding risks, the big choices that could change my life are made by fear rather than heart. It's all too easy to put on masks and convince myself that I'm alright. I just want to open my eyes and wake up from this nightmare. These strings controlling my limbs scare me. I just want to be in control again. I want to be who I used to be, instead of this imposter. I'm tired of living in the shadows.