Monday, May 31, 2010

Don't just read this.

Don't stop, or slow down. Don't just hope, wish or dream. Don't regret or hesitate. Don't close your eyes; don't be afraid or insecure. Don't hold back, give up, or give in. Live. Life is meant to be experienced. It may sound silly, but you can only evolve with experience. Watching life pass you by is simply not an alternative. When you look back on your life, make sure there's something worthwhile to reminisce. We eventually laugh at our mistakes, cry over our happiness, and forget our past troubles. Take a chance, meet someone new, do something different. You don't have to like it, but at least you can say you did it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Irrational Paranoia

Something's always wrong. I don't know if I'm getting closer to the answer or just uncovering more messed up shit that's wrong with me. I'm so FUCKING paranoid. I hate it. It's been like this for so long. When I was younger I would have irrational fears that everyone I knew were actors and I was the center of some giant prank or test. Not to say I thought the world revolved around me, anything but that. I hated it and I was afraid of any social interaction whatsoever. I think the real reason for such fears is some irrational Paranoia I hold for people in general. I don't even know what triggered it. Was it something from my childhood that freaked me out subconsciously? Is this normal for everyone? I have no way of knowing. My Paranoia tells me that I'm the weird one. I once asked my dad about it. He just told me it was normal for everyone. My Paranoia tells me he's probably lying to me, how could he know, he knows nothing about Psychology. That's the thing. I have a hard time trusting people. I'm subject my closest friends to this craziness. I hate it. I can't trust anyone sometimes. I always feel like EVERYONE hates me. It makes me want to do them all a favor and rid this planet of my existence. No matter what anyone tells me, I can't trust a soul. Being social is so hard. I know I'm new at this, but if I knew how hard it would be a year ago, I'd have stayed by myself. Safe in my room, where I don't have to worry if anyone likes me. My video game world is perfect. The way people feel about you is pre-programmed. You have status bars to show your status with society. My pokemon love me. My toys made great friends when I was a kid with no real friends. I can alter my appearance in WoW and other RPGs so that I can be whomever I wish to be. I don't have to be this skinny, ugly, dorky, socially-awkward person that I have come to hate. I can't fight it sometimes. I wish I could say I was happy. More than anything in the world. I'm tired or pretending to be happy, hoping that one day I'll actually resemble the persona I put on. I want to give up. I want to quit. I know I'm probably better equipped than I was a year ago to deal with this, but I feel like it's not gonna be any easier. I guess just writing this helps though. I feel like I've finally pinpointed and confronted it. It's caught here in this blog for me to physically face directly. Well, if you actually read this all, thank you. It gives me hope, I guess. I apologize for such a sad post though. This one is more for myself anyway. I promise something more positive later.

For the lack of a better word.

I woke up for the first time in a long time this morning. I've realized that I haven't been myself for a while. I owe it to my friends to start being myself again. If it weren't for their incessant proverbial stabs at my sanity, I probably would not have woke up with this reality hangover. I have a great life. Nothing is lacking. I don't have to change who I am to get what I want. I have everything I need.